Phredward (Fred-Word) was ridding a plane to California with George to get George's special kumquat. George only eats kumquats or any thing with kumquat on it. Like pizza. People looked at Phredward like he was weird because he had a pet inchworm. Finally they got to California, and went to the best kumquat farm in the state. The sign said "Polly's Pickles Pickles Not Sold Here"So they drove in to the farm and went in to the shop and asked for 12 dozen kumquats. Polly said " Okay but, you're going to have to pick them your self. Right now I'm busy"so they went out to the kumquat part of the farm, and then they saw a giant floating kumquat. It was destroying all of the other kumquats "NO!!!!!" George yelled. then the giant kumquat turned around. "uh oh," said Phredward, and he started to run. When he got to his motorcycle he noticed that George wasn't with him. So he ran back to the kumquat trees and there George was attacking the giant evil space kumquat with his mouth... That's right he was eating them. He ate all of them.
The End